Tahl 1 Sowen Sowen Sketch

Sowen: Samhain will never be the same.
31 Oct 2004? - 31 Jul Aug 2016.
It was Love while it lasted.

Tahl 2
I Am Here To Stay
I Am Here To Stay
Lucky Cat : 7 more lives
Sowen was a feral cat who lived in a friends shed for 3 years. Shannon was taking her to the Midland Wildlife Shelter, and due to a mix up, they would not take her. That same week, the shelter had a fire and most of the animals died. Even though we had more cats than we wanted, we decided to keep her. We never regreted that decision.
Sowen and Charcoal
Sowen and Charcoal

First Contact

When we first decided to keep Sowen we wanted to introduce her to the other cats slowly. Our first logical choice was Charcoal. He was our friendliest and most normal cat at the time. They immediately acted like they were old friends. So much so, that Charcoal lost interest after a few minutes. They were close from that moment on.


She was skinny

When we first got her she was thin! It was obvious that we were going to have to take her in after she went into heat. After that she gained a lot of weight. She wasn't very active either.


The Roost

Sowen, after becomming sedintary, took over our glider chair and ottoman. It bears the wear marks of her nails and naps.

The Roost
The Roost

Fight or Flight

Sowen was a feral cat and never quite became the cuddly cat we had hoped. If you looked at her the wrong way, got to close, or pet her too long, she would disapear. Our boys chased her all too often. Her 'Jekyll' side was odd. When ever two of our cats would fight, she would run up between them and attack the weaker one. I always thought she was just confused as to who the instagator was. If a neighbourhood cat came around, she would puch at it through the window.


Go play outside!

We have gone out of our way to try and create welcoming, safe, outdoor enclosures. Sowen would have none of that. I can count on one hand the number of times she went out in our large back enclosure. If she went out at all, it was on the front porch.

Call of the Poo

Sowen had the strangest habit when deficating. She rarely went in the litter, as the noise would attract the attention of the boys. But before she would go, she would announce it to the whole household by meowing. She never made a peep at any other time.
Watching TV with Gusto
Watching TV with Gusto

Next to Sowen

No one sat next to Sowen, except Tahl (sometimes Charcoal can get close). She can be frightened by a snowflake, but she occasionally let Tahl sit next to her.

Next to Sowen
Next to Sowen
and Neko
and Neko

Tummy Rubs and Stares

Two things Sowen really liked. If you wanted Sowen to remain within twenty feet of you, you better be rubbing her tummy. If not, you better be asleep, so she could stare at you with her stone faced stare.

Younger days...
Younger days....

The End

In the end, Sowen will be remembered for being a big ball of love.

See you at Oweynagat, sweet girl.